Statement by the Board of Directors

Preliminary findings of the independent assessment by GRANT THORNTON and ALVAREZ & MARSAL. The firms Grant Thornton and Alvarez & Marsal (“GTAM”), mandated by the ORPEA […]

ORPEA postpones the publication of its annual accounts and announces the availability of the preliminary findings of the external evaluation mission

Due to the exceptional circumstances currently faced by the Company, which have required the support of the teams to the investigations of the public authorities, to […]

Orpea and UNI Global Union sign an international agreement on ethical employment, social dialogue, collective bargaining and trade union rights

On April 8, 2022, the Orpea Group and UNI Global Union met at the OECD headquarters in Paris for the signing ceremony of a landmark agreement […]

Conclusion by Philippe Charrier – French Senate Social Affairs Committee Fact-finding mission.

During the Social Affairs Commission fact-finding mission’s hearing on the control of “EHPAD” (nursing homes’ legal name in France), in the French Senate on 30 March […]

Press Release

ORPEA’S reaction following the final report from the IGAS-IGF joint investigation.  Orpea takes note of the announcement by Mrs Brigitte Bourguignon, Minister Delegate to the Minister […]

ORPEA GROUP, solidarity with Ukraine

Faced with the urgent international situation that is endangering the lives of thousands of civilians, ORPEA Group’s teams are mobilising all over Europe to provide assistance […]

Press Release

The board of directors mandates GRANT THORNTON and ALVAREZ & MARSAL, two world-renowned firms, to conduct an independent review

Press Release

The Orpea Group’s Board of Directors, meeting on January 30, 2022, has decided to terminate Mr. Yves Le Masne’s duties as Chief Executive Officer. The Board […]

Press Release

The board of directors of ORPEA has decided to mandate two leading firms to conduct an independent assessment to shed light on the serious allegations made […]